Papau New Guinea blog 4
Papau New Guinea is highly vulnerable, to natural hazards particularly earthquakes, volcanos, and tsunamis. Papau New Guinea has 77 volcanoes, of which 20 are active. It is one of the most seismatically complex regions on average with over 100 earthqaukes, each year with a magnitude of 5 and over. The country is also prone to Tsunamis having encountered over 90 Tsunamis since 1768. Thousands of lives were lost in the devastating 1998 tsunami, and close to 10,000 people were displaced from their homes. Papau New Guinea accounted for 25 percent of all natural disasters that occured in pacific that occured between 1950 and 2008.
Preparing for Tsunamis, and Earthquakes in Papau New Guinea, Geoscience Australia will develop a Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment for PNG to understand the frequency and likelihood of tsunamis occurring, so local emergency managers can plan and reduce the threat of tsunamis in their communities. Using this assessment, high risk areas can be identified and prioritized for further analysis, or scenarios can be extracted to conduct further modelling or inundation analysis. This guide will assist non-technical professionals contextualize the findings of the hazard assessment to develop risk mitigation strategies to plan and reduce the threat of these events at a local level.
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