
Showing posts from October, 2020

Papau New Guinea extreme weather events

 In papua new guinea, severe drought caused by strong el niño event in 2015–2016 affected about 40% of the population, with almost half a million people experiencing food shortages.  When Papau New Guinea expereinced food shortages the goverment asked for international help which they got. The severe drought led to the death of alot of crops and live stock. Papau New Guinea farming industries took a major hit with hundreds of millions dollars of damages. The Goverment incitedpolicy to counter the effects of drought such as building ground water tunnels. An growing more trees, and putting regulations to fight pollution. Because of the dorught, many people had foor shortages. Which required donatons of food and aid to be fed. An Papau New Guinea is trying to make their country more developed so they don't have to worry about drought aas much hopefully.

Papau New Guinea landside Blog # 6

  Landsides in Papua New Guinea costs over 400 million dollar in damages annually. A recent landslide in Papua New Guinea killed 10 people, an affected over 1,000 people. One of the largest landsides of  the last during of the last 2 decades happened in Papua New Guinea which killed at last 74 people. Approximately 1.8 cubic kilometers of mountain collapsed, leaving a scar 1600 m high. The debris ran out over a distance of 6.5 km, covering an area of over 11 square kilometers. The estimated velocity is up to 180 km/hour. Landslides happen in Papua New Guinea often.  It is steep terrain, earthquakes and aftershocks plus recent seasonal rains have created an environment that is prone to collapse. Also in Papua New Guinea there's a lot of water in the soil, which increases during monsoon season. Which causes liquification of the soil which can lead to landslides.